
Caregivers may find the following resources helpful. Use Google to find professionals in your area.

  1. National Association of Senior Move Managers
  2. Certified Relocation Transition Specialist 
  3. Estate Realtor
  4. Seller Representative Specialist
  8. Demential support groups
  9. Caregiver support 
  10. Caregiver self care 

Organization business owners may find these resources helpful:

  1. Linked In 
  3. Canva

Time Management

  1. Limit unnecessary distractions such as social media. It is easy to get caught up in online communities that do not add to your life.
  2. Stop trying to help and fix other people's problems. Focus on the people that need you rather than the noise from other's wanting your attention. 
  3. Redefine the terms "productive, meaningful, and necessary." Is it productive to read to your children, help them with homework, create home made meals, volunteer, etc? What can be reduced or eliminated?
  4. It is easier to do some chores daily than it is to do try to clean the entire house on the weekend. Try to do a laundry while you are cooking dinner. Perhaps take 10 minutes to clean a half-bath or straighten a room. Make use of those 10 to 15 minute blocks of time to get something done or to quiet all noise and recharge.

Storage solutions are widely available. Try to find items that are versatile, flexible, and store easily when not in use.

  1. Wayfair
  2. Home Depot
  3. Lowes
  4. Amazon

Motivation & Procrastination

Stepping Stones to Harmony is just one resource to help you begin. The problem many people face is feeling like the job is so large they feel overwhelmed and put it off. Choosing to start with one small job such as doing one load of laundry will give you a sense of accomplishment. Look for small tasks that are easy to complete. It is  much like taking the first walk to get back in shape. Once you take the first step, it becomes easier to keep going.

Personal Growth and Stress Management

I discovered a year ago. The information may or may not be a good fit. However, finding a way to release some of the daily stress is essential. Whether you choose hiking, yoga, meditation, boating, artwork, or reading, the goal is to find some outlet that you enjoy to help you maintain a positive outlook. Caregiving is extremely demanding whether you are a new mom with young children or an adult caring for your aging parents. You will enjoy time with your family more if you can release the tension, rest from the exhaustion, and laugh with the people you love.